District Information

Marion Anastasia,

Marion Anastasia, Ed.D
Superintendent's Message

Mission Statement

The White Mountains Regional School District Community fosters a culture of learning which emphasizes wellness, academic growth, and creativity.

Vision Statement

Student Centered, Future Focused.

Core Values

We value….

  • Every child

  • Student success

  • Positive learning environments

  • Financial accountability

  • Professional excellence

  • Family and community partners

  • Respect

We recognize the value of each and every child. We believe that all children can succeed and must be engaged to learn and grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally throughout their lives. A positive learning environment requires excellent facilities, effective safety practices, and a healthy school climate. Financial accountability is managing resources responsibly by balancing the needs of students with what the community can afford. We must recruit, develop, evaluate, and retain high quality personnel. Families and community members are essential partners in guiding student growth and learning. We believe that mutual respect requires fairness, compassion, trust, and attention to the needs of students, parents, staff, and community.