Reopening Information
Please check back here for the latest updates!
August 28, 2020
Dear WMRSD Parents and Guardians,
We are gearing up to welcome back families and children for the 2020-2021 school year! I am extremely proud and appreciative of the effort, commitment, and passion put forth from the WMRSD staff members to operationalize our Return to School Plan:
We are navigating unchartered waters with the hope that eventually, the waters will calm down. Through our Reopening Taskforce work, we have decided on a phased-in approach for our return so that we can prepare ourselves to be adaptable to possible changing conditions.
We’ve just completed three days of new teacher orientation (August 25th-27th). We are fortunate to have many very talented new staff members join our WMRSD community! Next week (September 1st – 3rd), all staff will participate in District-Wide in-service. After the Labor Day weekend (September 8th-10th), all staff will return for three additional days granted by our Commissioner of Education for specific COVID-19 related preparation and training.
Phased-In Schedule
On Friday, September 11th
Families and students will connect with teachers virtually during a pre-determined time (either individually or whole class). For students who are learning 100% online, logistic and learning platform details will be addressed. Your principals will be reaching out to you with specific details regarding the expectations for this day.
September 14th - 18th
Again, principals will be sending you detailed information. This week will be considered an orientation week for students. September 14th: Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Seniors will be in school all day. All other students will connect with their teachers remotely. September 15th: Grades 2 and 3 and Juniors will be in school all day. All other students will connect with their teachers remotely. September 17th: Grades 4-6 and Sophomores will be in school all day. All other students will connect with their teachers remotely. September 18th: Grades 7 and 8 and Freshman will be in school all day. All other students will connect with their teachers remotely.
Full start of school year: September 21st. Your child’s individual schedule will be shared with you through your child’s principal.
COVID-19 Coordinators
Each building will have a school nurse designed to be the COVID-19 School Coordinator. We will also have a District-Wide COVID-19 Coordinator, School Nurse, Lisa Miller. They will ensure that all COVID-19 related protocols and procedures are followed as spelled out in our reopening plan. They will have direct contact with CDC, DHHS, and our local emergency management teams and officials in the event we require additional guidance. We have committed to 6 ft. social distancing and mandatory mask requirements. Please refer to pages 11-14 in the reopening plan.
As of today, we are gathering the final names of students who plan on using the bus for transportation. Next week, WW Berry Transportation Company will be crafting the routes with no more than 24 children per bus. You will be receiving information regarding your child’s transportation soon.
School Meals
You will be receiving information from Mel Stevens, Food Service Director regarding breakfasts and lunches. Students will be eating meals in their classrooms. Delivery for Free/Reduced meals and paid meals will be available for the days your child is not attending in person. At this time, we have not received a waiver to provide free meals for all students like last spring. Please take a moment to apply for Free and Reduced meals here: or by printing and completing the paper packet located here: Completed paper applications can be mailed to Mel Stevens, WMRHS, P.O. Box 338 Whitefield, NH 03598.
Each school has crafted a 2020-2021 School Plan that will be sent to you by your child’s principal and will be posted on each school’s website. The plans contain specific information unique to each school that you will need to know. Topics include:
Hybrid instruction schedules
Daily schedules in classrooms
100% online instruction schedules
Daily Home Screening protocols
Morning and afternoon transportation protocols and parent drop off instructions
Procedure for wearing masks
Procedure for social distancing
Handwashing and sanitizing
COVID-19 Protocols for symptomatic persons
Parent and visitor access to buildings
School nursing information
We strive to ensure the safety of your children as well as our staff. We are building opportunities to establish trust and experience new things that we haven’t done before.
Welcome back!

Links and Information
August 11, 2022 Back to School Plan
April 2022 Update: LEA Plan on the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services
February 2022 ARP Use of Funds
Sept 19, 2021 Q&A from Dr. Anastasia, Superintendent and Lisa Miller, RN COVID Coordinator
August 19, 2021 Return to School Plan
August 11, 2021 Reopening Plan
COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements in NH Schools
April 19, 2021 Return to School Plan
March 16, 2021 Travel Guidance
FAQ about "Isolation and Quarantine"
FAQ about "Going Remote"
COVID-19 Symptomatic & Positive Cases Guide
Online Learning Handbook
2020-2021 Bus Route Schedule
Remote Learners - Meal Order Form
Letter from Food Services Regarding In-School and Remote Learning Meals - Includes School Year Meal Information for all Students
2020-2021 FINAL Return to School Plan -District Wide
A Guide to Online Learning for Parents - Includes all of the information to get your online learner up and running
Mask Guidance - Provided by NHDHHS
Steps to Expect for Positive Student/Staff COVID Test - Provided by NHDoE
WMRSD Building Entrance Procedures - Effective July 1, 2020
July 28, 2020 Community Listening Session Minutes and Q&A
July 28, 2020 WMRSD Staff Listening Session Minutes and Q&A
K-12 Back-to-School Guidance from the NH Dept of Education
Reopening Sports Activities - Summer
2019/2020 School Year archived COVID information
Return to In-Person Videos
Please use these videos to help prepare your student(s) to return to in-person learning